With our experience using a wide variety of different materials and techniques we can turn anything you dream into a reality. We not only excel at these challenges we thrive on them. We truly are The Wizards of Weird.
About: bowens
Recent Posts by bowens
Marquee – Hotel Syracuse
We recently completed the first of three Marquees for the Hotel Syracuse in Downtown Syracuse. Over the years during various renovations the marquees where modernized and changed dramatically. PWF was approached to recreate the original Marquees for the hotels reopening. Using modern techniques and materials we believe we where able to recreate the look.
Ceiling Medallion – Hotel Syracuse
PWF was recently asked to help with the recreation of several elements in the restoration of the Hotel Syracuse. A ceiling medallion was missing from a prior renovation and needed to be recreated.
Using a mixture of old school and new techniques we were able to faithfully recreate the medallion. We started by carving the design out of modelling clay. A rubber mold was then created from the clay. Using these rubber molds glass reinforced gypsum was used to create the final pieces.
Seasons Harvest Buffet
PWF recently finished installing new canopies over the buffet line at the Seasons Harvest Buffet located at the Turning Stone Casino. These are an aluminum frame with a Fabric and Wood covering. All fabrication was done in house and installed by our crew onsite. The job was completed without impact to the operation of the buffet and complete within 1 week of field installation.
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