Portfolio Category:

Historical Castings

PWF recently was asked to recreate some components for a historical building restoration project.  We started by repairing one of the original pieces which was badly deteriorated and making a mold.  Using this mold the final replacement pieces were cast.
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TCGplayer Headquarters

PWF was asked to create this medieval gate to go along with the themeing of TCGplayers new office.  The gate was built with light weight steel  tubing allowing a decrease in the overall weight yet giving it an old heavy metal feel.
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Utica Zoo Gibbon Enclosure

PWF 3D modeled, fabricated and installed  a new enclosure for the Utica Zoo’s Gibbons Apes.  The enclosure  featured a galvanized and powder coated steel frame with custom black oxide coated stainless steel mesh.
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St Lawrence Skiff

PWF was tasked with recreating an authentic St Lawrence skiff.  To do this we 3D modeled the skiff, carved the hull from high density foam, hard coated the foam with polyurea and hand painted creating an authentic look.
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